LASER HAIR REMOVAL – Smooth, Clean, Soft and No Hassle of Maintenance

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September 5, 2013
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September 5, 2013


Laser Hair Removal

I have to confess that I’m a little nutty about laser hair removal (LHR). It’s an unbelievable process that has steadily improved in effectiveness over the years. I was born a hairy monkey. But, having done my whole body years ago with Laser Hair Removal with Lumenis LightSheer, I’m still loving the effects of it every day; smooth, clean, soft and no hassle of maintenance. When new clients come in for a consultation they always have a lot of questions. In this newsletter I want to explain a bit about why I find LHR so effective and why I’m so passionate about it.  –

Tatiana Zhornist, R.N., Aesthetic Director

How Laser Hair Removal Stacks Up Against Other Methods

Hair removal doesn’t have to be a burden or a chore; laser hair removal will get rid of your unwanted hair once and for all! Shaving is quick remedy, but quickly fades and you are stuck with cuts, painful ingrown hair or razor burn.  Waxing can last longer but in between waxing you cannot shave and you can do damage to the skin by pulling it.  It’s also extremely painful and must be repeated every few weeks.  Don’t even mention plucking! Who can stand pulling out your own hair one by one? The downfall to these methods is the fact that they are temporary.

Electrolysis used to be the way to permanently remove hair but since it has to pass through a needle to destroy each individual hair root is can be very time-consuming and painful.   The most effective permanent solution is Laser Hair Removal which will give you smooth, soft, hair free skin for the rest of your life.  The Lightsheer laser heats up the hair which damages the follicles ability to grow back.

The Science behind Laser Hair Removal

Depending on the size of the area that you are treating, the actual procedure can be only a few minutes up to an hour or more.  Although it does not come without discomfort, most patients handle it well.  The reason why we suggest coming in every four to six weeks is because we want to catch the hair in its growth stage (called anagen).  Since our hair grows in cycles, every procedure will treat a portion of the new hair growing.  Every treatment removes 20%-30% percent of the hair; within the recommended 5-8 treatments you will see a permanent reduction.

A Last Note

One of the most significant differences between LHR and the other methods is who is performing the treatments. In the state of California, LHR is only allowed to be practiced by licensed medical professionals. Their education and extensive medical training make them uniquely qualified to safely administer these procedures. They also have exclusive access to extremely effective topical anesthetics.

Most patients receiving this treatment experience minimal to no side effects after their treatment but to help you achieve to the best possible results we advise to patients:

  1. Avoid direct sun exposure during full course of treatment. This means no tanning of any kind, including tanning booths and artificial tanning lotions.
  2. Avoid sports, including swimming and strenuous exercises, for 1-2 days following the laser treatment.  (A great reason to relax for a day!)
  3. The treated area must be treated gently.  Do not rub, scratch or pick at the treated are. Avoid hot baths or showers for the first 24-48 hours.
  4. Discontinue use of any Retin A or Hydroquinone products 2-3 days prior to your next treatment.