Dull Skin

A quick 30 minutes to rejuvenate your healthy glow

A gentle way to healthier skin, microdermabrasion is a skin resurfacing system designed to remove the topmost layer of skin leaving it more supple and vibrant. Microdermabrasion improves uneven skin tone, texture, age spots, minor to moderate early-aging fine lines, acne scaring, and large pores. With the DiamondTome Wand (our brand of choice), we remove the most superficial, sun damaged layer of the skin by gently exfoliating the dead cells with a natural diamond chip while at the same time vacuuming the dead skin away. The result? A radiant glow and softer, smoother and cleaner skin after the first treatment with no down time or pain.

Skin care is important.

Improve specific skin conditions and rejuvenate the overall health and appearance of their skin.

  • Rejuvenates sun damaged skin – face, neck, shoulders, back, arms and legs
  • Reduce age spots
  • Improve blotchy skin coloring
  • Minimize pore size
  • Improves skin texture

Microdermabrasion treatments offer a wonderful alternative or compliment to chemical peels, the DiamondTomeTM Skin Resurfacing treatment is non-invasive, pain-free and requires no down time after treatment.


Professionally done with excellent results.

Tatiana is medically trained and experienced, professional, exact in her technique, and listens to you as a patient/client. I’d highly recommend LuminaSkin to anyone.
— Nancyr, San Mateo, Jun 22, 2011

Who can benefit?
For people on the go, an exfoliation treatment offers exceptional benefits. Ideal for a special event or as a program for overall skin rejuvenation, this treatment is non-invasive, painless and requires no downtime from work or social activities. Normal activities may be resumed immediately after treatment. Your skin is free of redness, irritation and particle contamination.